A few days ago, Nezha Auto released more official images of the brand’s high-end electric sedan, the production version of the Nezha S.

From the official image, this Nezha S basically restores the appearance of the previous concept car, the cabin lid is designed to be pressed down, improving aerodynamics.

In terms of interior, the new car adopts a simple T-shaped center console layout, with a long and narrow LCD instrument panel on the left, a HUD display screen at the top and a touch design. for buttons on the steering wheel.

The super large center console screen tilts vertically. It supports digital interactive functions such as online navigation and online connection; There is also an interactive multimedia display in front of the driver on the right, which integrates rich multimedia configurations.

In terms of power, the new car offers an EV all-electric powertrain and extended range hybrid powertrain options EREV, with a range of 800km and 1100km on a single charge, respectively.

In addition, the new vehicle also adopts HOZON EPT4.0 battery stable temperature management system, which can further improve the battery’s thermal cycle utilization and ensure the battery’s capacity and lifespan in the environment. extreme cold and high temperature fields.

Nezha S will hit the shelves in the first half of this year but the price is still a mystery.